Sunday, July 17, 2011

what on my mind

I haven't done one of this in a while. At first wasn't to sure on what to write. But I did have a friend to tell me just to type and see what come out. So I just thought that I would do that right now. But then again I do like to type just still not to sure on what else to write about. But I will keep on going and see what just might come out of this. It could come out very good. Lets just hope that it does just do that in the end of things. Right now I am back to where I started from not knowing what to write again. So I am just going to type what come to my mind and see what happen. But then again it just might be nothing that anyone want to read. I could be just saying the samething over again a little bit differently then I was before. Oh well if I am then so be it. Just the thing of it is not to sure on how many people that does read my blogs. I do know that there few since they have commented on here said something to me on my twitter name. But there is a lot more out there that I am not to sure of.

Just the unknowing that qhat get to me sometime. And the waiting for answer is something that I never been good at either. But I know that we all do wait for thing. I know that we have to do sometime in our life but why do we have to wait for thing is the key. But better come to these that do wait. How long do we have to wait on things.

I hate when you go some where and you try to get around the store and people just stand there. Even if they know that someone want around them they just don't want to move. They just want to make you go the long way and in the end you just forget what you was even going down that way for in the first places. I hate when that happens. Don't we all. But we have to put up with people like this in our life at some point. But it just seem like it everyday around here. But then again it could just be me that is thinking this. Oh well we just have to go on with our life. It's better then hen you try to make the right almote of change for someone and they don't bother to let you see if you have it. Before they take the money that you have up there and give you changes that you really didn't want in the first places. But they didn't bother to ask to make sure I didn't want 4 dollars back I wouldn't mind having the 5 dollar back but it seem like she din't want to mess with the way that I had planed. But the thing of it is nothing ever goes the way that we plan in life. But we do have to put our faith in one person and that person is God. I know that God is with us all the time. Some people just don't want to believe in God.

I am glad that I believe in God and that he give up his own son for our sin. And that I am saved. I know that there is a book out there but I just can't think of the name of the book. I can remember a little bit of it from our old youth leader said of it. It had people in from all ages that died for believeing in Jesus Chrit. And she said that there was a 4 year old that got killed for doing that. The thing of it is what would you do if someone with a gun and ask you if you believe in the Lord or God or Jesus Christ? I know what I would and what he hope that we all would do in the end. I would say yes I do believe in him. So if that mean that person kill me I know I went down for a good reason. I know that some people just don't want to hear about Jesus Christ and they don't think he is real or his father for that matter. But I just don't care. I will put things on my page here or myspace, facebook, twitter, or any site that I have and feel like telling the world about Jesus Christ. I love him just much as my family and friends. I know sometime we just don't get what we want from him right then and it make us feel like he not listening to us. But in the end he is listening to us and he will do what he can for us in his own time. He just don't want everything to come eassy for us. Even if we would like it to be done that way. I guess we have to want on the answer from him just like we do with everything else in our lives.

I do know that I have wrting a lot in this blog post that does really have a lot of meaning in somethings. But then again it could mean a lot to people I just wish that I knew if it did in the end. But if something I have said that does make anyone happy or help then out in the end thats make me a good person on the inside and outside too. I guess it would. I just have to do what is best for myself and not let anyone get me down either.


Anonymous said...

Well I can certainly relate to people standing in the middle of the aisle when you are trying to get past. It all comes down to some people just being completely inconsiderate of anyone else around them.

I'm sure your blog posts help people even if they don't comment on it. There are a lot of good things to ponder. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I think that when you open your heart and say what you feel, the real person comes out. You are sweet and kind - with or without Jesus - and you will always be you; and you make the world a batter place.

People are people. Most of them blocking the aisles in this life for the rest of us, not realizing they are doing it, but doing it all the same.

I like your blogs. They are open and honest - just like you - unpretentious and scathing to no-one.

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Kikila - I wrote BATTER and I meant to write BETTER.

Apologies for the slip-up. Ooops.

Anonymous said...

The world is sometimes a bad place, and the people in it even worse. Sometimes we allow a hard life and hard luck to make us hard. I think you make the best of everything. Don't ever change. Your blogs are sweet. I will keep on reading them.